If you’re pondering within yourself is biking bad for your knees, you should know that a lot of dedicated bikers often suffer from hurting knees. This might cause some misconception – as bikers...
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You might have heard about mountain biking before, and now you’re wondering where was mountain biking invented? As the name says, you can expect to be facing rough, rocky, undulating trails if...
Is biking actually good for your butt? Before we answer this question, it’s important to realize that not all butts are created equal. Your genetics largely determine the shape and size of your...
Maybe you’re wondering if being stationed on a spot while cycling does anything for you. Yes, it actually does. Stationary cycling is highly effective as a form of exercise. It's something you...
Is mountain biking dangerous? It’s a very crucial thing to ask if you’re thinking of taking up mountain biking as a sport or even a hobby. In the following post, we’ll explore the good and...
I have often been asked; is biking a real sport? The answer is yes, biking can be a sports event. There are a lot of sports tournaments and awards today that are centered on biking – an activity...