If you’re looking for an adventure to take up solo or with friends and loved ones, try a bikepacking trip. It’s the perfect combination between camping and cycling in one. You’ll get to experience new things, and you’ll be able to reconnect with nature and the people around you.
There are a few essential things that you’ll need for the upcoming trip. You can find and purchase many of them in online stores, and we recommend you check out the quality bikepacking and camping gear at Hyke & Byke.
Always try to invest in equipment that will be high-quality, and of course, it will serve you well for at least several years, if not more. In the following, we’ll walk you through planning your first bikepacking trip!
Grab the Right Gear
It sounds easy, but in reality, it’s not. You’ll be needing different things, and it’s really easy to forget some minor details.
Those details can actually make the experience the best one, or the worst one in your life. Carry on reading to find everything you’ll need for the bikepacking trip and the nights out in the wild.
Biking Gear
Having the Right Bike
It’s really important to have a bike specifically made for the terrain you’re about to visit. You cannot use the simple bike that takes you to work on sunny days.
You’ll most probably need a mountain bike, the sport type one. They are really worth investing in since you’ll be using them a lot.
Always Have Protection
The last thing you want is an injury. That’s why wearing a helmet that is the right size, and made from high-quality material, is so important.
Adequate protection for your knees and elbows is also a must because the terrain in the wild can be pretty steep and rocky. Injuring your legs and arms can result in a bad overall experience.
Don’t Overpack
You should only grab the essentials. Everything that you’ll need can be fitted into a backpack, but onto that later.
The main reason why you should travel light is to add extra weight to your bike. This will make it slower and your journey will be a lot harder.
If you’re only carrying the basic things, then you’ll be a lot lighter, and the bike won’t be under unnecessary pressure. If you’re traveling with friends or family, you can always divide the equipment that you’re taking amongst you.
Have a Water Bottle Nearby
One water bottle isn’t nearly enough for you, especially if you plan on camping for a few days, or the final destination doesn’t have access to drinkable water.
But, while you’re biking, you’ll most likely get thirsty, so having a water bottle attached to the bike, or on the side of your backpack is a great idea.
Camping Gear
Onto the camping part, you’ll need several things, and will go through them in a bit. While they are the most important ones, you mustn’t forget to bring matches for setting up a campfire, a first aid kit, enough food, and water so that you don’t end up like a pack of survivors, dry clothes to keep you warm… just small details that will make your first time a lot easier.
Invest in a Backpack
A backpack without pressure points, with additional foamy parts, and high quality is essential. You won’t feel that boring back pain from carrying a heavy load while you cycle on your bikepacking trip.
Make sure that the backpack has multiple compartments. That way, you’ll organize all the essentials better.
The tent that you’ll buy will probably last you for several years, if not more. Points plus if it’s made from a hydrophobic material, so it’s waterproof.
That way you can carry it with you, no matter the weather. You can choose a different size tent, depending on your preferences and the number of people in the group.
If you’re new to this, make sure to look up some videos online on how to set up a tent, and if you can, try setting it up in your living room or your backyard. You’ll be prepared for the real thing that way.
Sleeping Bag
Now, this is something a lot of people underestimate.
A high-quality sleeping bag will offer you a good night’s sleep, which will charge your batteries to the max so that you have enough energy for the rest of the camping.
You get to choose between a synthetic one or a down-filled one, and that is again, completely up to you. The most important part is that you can simply roll it, and put it in or over your backpack.
Going into the wild for the first time with bikes can be a big challenge.
But, with a little bit of preparation beforehand, you can pick up enough tips and tricks that your companions will ask you how long you have been doing this for.
Good luck with your upcoming adventure!