10 Great Cycling Charities You Should Support

As a child, I faced a lot of trouble at home. However, my bicycle was always there to give me joy. Every time I got on my bike and went on a ride, my mood would get a boost.

Biking helped me go through a tough phase of my life, and it’s also helping lots of other kids and even adults today. Apart from its physical health benefits, it also provides people with improved mental wellness.

Because of how positively cycling has influenced the world, lots of cycling charities have been set up to spread its joy to more hearts.

Best Cycling Charity Programs

It’s always good to help and support those in need around you. If you have experienced the joy of getting on a bike and riding freely, you can spread that joy to more people.

Even with the smallest contribution to biking charities, the world is being made into a better place. I personally seek out bike donation programs near me so that I can make contributions to a good cause.

These are some awesome cycling charities to support:

1. World Bicycle Relief

World Bicycle Relief is among the excellent cycling charities we have today. Its establishment was inspired by the need to make lives better after extensive damage done by the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.

The establishment partnered with other Sri Lankan support groups to provide displaced individuals with access to bicycles. This initiative helped affected people to support themselves and develop their community. Over 24,000 bicycles have been delivered to those in need.

With such a remarkable feat achieved, the establishment went on to join up with RAPIDS. RAPIDS provided healthcare services from their base in Zambia to combat the spread of AIDS. The partnership with RAPIDS has seen over 23,000 bicycles provided to those in need.

Other regions of the world including South America, Southeast Asia, and Africa have been provided with bicycles for community development and general improvement of lives.

The bicycles are customized to match the rough trails and terrains found in these localities. World Bicycle Relief distributed about 65,000 bikes in 2015 to those in need.

2. PeopleForBikes

This is a popular bike charity with a great reputation across the globe. PeopleForBikes is aimed at spreading the joy of biking to as many people as possible.

Millions of dollars have been generated by the establishment for about 21 years now. This money goes out to improve the bicycling experience for people of all ages. The establishment also makes links with other biking support groups for a wider spread of help/assistance.

PeopleForBikes is a progressive movement that gives voice to the voiceless. With significant programs like their Better Bike Share Partnership, the creation of well-organized bike-share programs has been possible.

PeopleForBikes isn’t meant for a restricted age bracket. Instead, their services cover people of all ages. They also support professional biking and recreational biking. Thanks to great connections, the establishment has been able to gain support from the federal government for the improvement of cycling experience.

Contact the establishment today for ways you can show your support and improve cycling in your community and the world.

3. Gearing Up 

Gearing Up is a wonderful charity group that helps women recovering from substance addiction, physical and mental abuse, and even those that have been incarcerated.

There are many benefits that women enjoy from Gearing Up. For instance, team cycling provides them with physical health benefits. In addition to that, there’s also moral support for women – they are provided with a platform that connects not only women but also GNC and transgender persons.

Gearing Up is an avenue for women to connect with each other, make good friends, and widen their social circle. People residing in Philadelphia, who are currently part of a drug abuse correction program, can join the team.

4. Wheels 4 Life

In an attempt to help others, former Mountain Bike World Champion – Hans Rey – created the Wheels 4 Life movement. Considering the condition of living in developed countries, the establishment works to provide bicycles for those in need.

These bikes are used to access facilities like hospitals, schools, offices, and more. The collective effort of Wheels 4 Life has improved the lives of people in rural areas and consequently developed their communities.

Wheels 4 Life has contacts with residents in rural areas. These contacts provide the establishment with information about communities and people in dire need for help. Once identified, help is sent out to those people and areas.

The bikes provided to these local areas would give them access to better opportunities. Before contacts or representatives are chosen and given responsibilities, they are properly screened. These people are then allowed to head distribution projects in their community.

A breakdown of the establishment’s program shows that a regular bike is provided per $150 contribution. Ambulance bikes can be purchased per $300 contribution. Regardless of these amounts, Wheels 4 Life accepts even the smallest contributions. You can contact them today for ways to help and spread love to those in need.

5. International Mountain Biking Association

This is an establishment that works towards the improvement of mountain biking for everyone. IMBA, created in 1988, focuses on the preservation of natural mountain biking terrain and trails.

They sensitize people across the world about the effects of charity bike rides on the environment. Consequently, their programs educate bikers on how to ride without damaging trails. Creative Land Management Strategies and Low-Impact Riding are among their promoted agendas.

The establishment also partakes in trail development for MTB. They partner with other establishments for the creation of accessible trails and general development of the mountain biking sport. Their services also include trail-training sessions that educate people on the proper methods for trail construction.

Several trails have been developed around the globe through the contributions of IMBA. There are instructions, set with the assistance of IMBA, that are to be followed or referenced during the creation of mountain bike trails in regions around the world.

There is also a Trail Lab program created by the establishment to sensitize workers in the park and tourism sector on how MTB trails can be made accessible for members of the community.

6. Mountain2Mountain 

This is an establishment that’s aimed at helping female residents of Afghanistan. Because of traditional beliefs that frown at women riding bikes, Mountain2Mountain works to protect and preserve the interests of Afghanistan women in cycling.

With the backing of this establishment, they have more confidence and motivation to engage in cycling activities.

Thanks to the efforts of Mountain2Mountain, Afghanistan females now ride their bikes openly and partake in competitions. The bikers are provided with biking accessories and gear needed to ride conveniently.

7. Transportation Alternatives

In a world where roads are dominated by motor vehicles, and consequently suffer from traffic congestions, there’s a need for an alternative transportation method. TransAlt aims at creating alternative biking routes for commuters in densely populated New York City.

For about 50 years now TransAlt has created lengthy alternative biking routes (over 1,000 miles) for bikers in NY. Part of TransAlt’s contribution to society includes the first public bike share system in New York City.

With their targeted Vision Zero goal, the establishment wants to totally prevent serious injuries or deaths caused by New York’s congested traffic. Their goals are achieved through amendments to traffic rules and the development of certain infrastructure.

You can support the organization’s cause by partaking in their fundraisers, signing petitions, and organizing campaigns.

8. CYCLE Kids 

Cycling is a highly beneficial activity for our health. It is good for kids to adopt cycling as a means of health development. CYCLE Kids exploits the interest of kids in bike ridings to boost and maintain their good health.

By participating in CYCLE Kids’ programs, children that lack any form of health-boosting exercise have a chance at cycling. There are many health issues in children across the world. Some of these issues can be avoided if children participate in exercises like cycling with a backpack.

Considering how children are attracted to fun activities, CYCLE Kids is able to efficiently draw the attention of children to their programs. The cycling skills taught to the children can also be spread to their friends and other family members at home.

CYCLE Kids goes beyond physical bike riding to creating educational schemes for the children. This engages children in enhanced creativity through writing and journaling tasks. Nutritional knowledge is also shared with the kids.

Cycling charities like CYCLE Kids improve the lives of children in our communities.

9. Qhubeka

Qhubeka, meaning “to progress”, is one of the bike charities that give various people the chance to earn bikes. Bikes earned through their programs can be used for business, transportation, and general community development. Access to bicycles gives people more access to other facilities like hospitals, libraries, schools, markets, farms, and lots more.

Qhubeka has bettered the lives of many through the distribution of bikes. So far, over 75,000 bicycles have been provided for individuals across the world. Kids who are still in school are offered a chance to earn their own bicycle – this is an incentive that aims at keeping children in school.

Those who fall into the adult age bracket can earn bikes by volunteering to carry out fundamental tasks in the community. Those who work in the health sector, like doctors, are provided with bikes for faster and more efficient healthcare delivery.

In addition to all that, Qhubeka helps to engage people with sports activities. People get to improve their physical health and cultivate healthy cycling habits through their sports programs. Other establishments or groups that provide emergency response are also given bikes.

Qhubeka is open to receive your wonderful donations. They host fundraisers that you can partake in, and they also sell items via an online store for charity purposes.

10. Trips for Kids 

In a world where the youth is exposed to unpleasant experiences and circumstances, a beacon of hope is needed. Trips for Kids is a wonderful establishment that works towards bringing hope to youths in need. It’s the biggest cycling establishment serving youths in the United States. Their aim as a strong non-governmental group is to better the lives of youth through cycling.

With the concept of bicycle charities, Trips for Kids spreads the love and joy inspired by bicycle riding. Kids get a chance to ride freely in the open while appreciating the wonderful manifestations of Mother Nature around them. It also cultivates positive attitudes like dedication and teamwork within the kids.

This establishment has been around for about 32 years now. Part of their reformation programs involved bike trail riding tutorials. These tutorials instilled a sense of belonging, responsibility, and charity within the kids.

The bike trail rides are done in natural scenes like parks and forests. Through a program like that, kids are able to make good friends and expand their social circle. It also prevents the adoption of bad vices and corrupt attitudes. In addition to moral and emotional benefits, biking for charity also keeps the kids in good physical health.

Trips for Kids at various levels engages kids by working hand-in-hand with similar establishments. An example of their collaborating partners is the YMCA. They team up with such groups for beneficial trips headed by CPR/First Aid certified ride leaders. These trips are usually enlightening – they impact kids with knowledge about the environment and how they can give back to it.

Kids that cannot afford a personal bike may earn one through the Earn-a-Bike Workshop. This is a program that engages kids in their spare time and sensitizes them on the safety measures and maintenance methods for bikes.

In addition to the Earn-a-Bike Workshop, there are also Mobile Bike Clinics that give children a chance to ride bikes for free – necessary safety gear is also provided. In the end, kids are able to practice efficient biking techniques and develop themselves.


In a world where people are in need of help and support, we all have a duty to make contributions toward the development of people and communities in dire need.

Cycling charities are among the establishments that aim to bring positive change to the world. A lot of development is brought to communities through these establishments that donate bicycles to charity.

With bicycles, people in rural areas are able to access resources and facilities. Healthcare workers can also move about to deliver emergency services to homes. Cycling also improves physical health and creates an avenue to connect with others.

Have you ever tried biking for charity? Let us know more about your experience in the comments down below!

Shailen Vandeyar

A proud Indian origin Kiwi who loves to plant trees and play with my pet bunny when not out cycling through the best routes, reviewing the latest gear, and sharing tips on everything biking.

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