Based on their names alone, it’s easy to tell that there’s in fact a difference between a road bike and a triathlon bike (also known as tri-bikes or TT-bikes). The former is meant to be ridden on paved roads. They’re comfortable and designed to be used daily.
The latter, on the other hand, are dedicated bikes meant to be used in triathlons and therefore have specifications for that purpose. Several considerations have to be made and assessed when comparing a road bike vs a triathlon bike.
The real question, however, is about whether or not these two bikes can be used interchangeably? For example, could a road bike be used to ride in a triathlon, and could a TT bike be used comfortably for longer distances?
Several factors come into play; here are some of them:
Road Bike vs Triathlon Bike: Considerations
Contrary to popular belief, you can actually use road bikes and triathlon bikes interchangeably.
Understandably, they were built to be used for varied purposes. However, their use is specific and not restrictive.
But it depends. On what exactly?
The person who’s riding the bike, their experience, their physiology, their health, the terrain they’re riding on, the distance they’re riding, several constraints, ideal requirements, and most importantly, comfort.
1 The Different Geometry of the Two Bikes
The first and foremost difference you would notice between the two bikes would be their geometries. Their dedicated purposes come second or in association with their geometry.
The primary difference between the two types of bikes is in the geometry of their frames – most notably the seat tube angle. The seat tube angle is the angle between the seat tube and the horizontal line drawn from the bottom bracket.
To understand this better, you’ll need to recall that in a triathlon, a biker needs to go faster than the others. Which, in simpler terms, means that his or her aerodynamics need to be ideal and there’s minimum air resistance. You might have noticed their posture’s different when riding in a triathlon than when riding off-road.
A triathlon bike or a TT bike has a more prominent seat tube angle than a road bike. In learning the difference between road bike and triathlon bike, aerodynamics come into play. A triathlon bike has a 76 to 78-degree seat tube angle, and a road bike has a 72-degree angle.
There’s, however, a limitation to the increased speed a triathlon bike gives – cutting corners. As aforementioned, several considerations have to be made before determining which bike should be bought. If you’re inexperienced, then cutting corners could mean you fall off of your bike each time or at least hurt yourself in making a turn.
Since a triathlon bike is meant to be used in a high-intensity environment, they’re also built a lot sturdier than road bikes. Their frame is bulkier and heavier, and it might be challenging to navigate a more serious bike if you haven’t done so already.
2. Using a Road Bike as a Triathlon Bike and Vice Versa
A road bike can be modified to make it more aerodynamic with accessories and such.
An important thing to consider when understanding the difference between triathlon bikes vs road bikes is that a road bike can be adjusted to make it more aerodynamic. Still, a triathlon bike cannot be adjusted to make it any less.
In all fairness, it defeats the purpose of the triathlon bike. While there are certain accessories to make it easier to maneuver for newbies, the truth of the matter is that they’re more expensive bikes and should only be bought if the biker is comfortable in his or her skills to maneuver the bike efficiently.
3. Cost Considerations
A bicycle doesn’t come cheap, especially not a good one. If you intend to use a bicycle for everyday use or for a long event such as a triathlon, you would need to set aside money accordingly.
A normal triathlon bike costs just as much as an expensive road bike. However, triathlon bikes are built sturdier than road bikes.
We’ve talked about how it might be more challenging to maneuver, but it has the benefit of being more well-built and can last longer than a road bike.
Which One Should You Get?
Both bikes are suitable for the purpose that they serve, and ideally, you should have one of each instead of using them interchangeably.
If your budget is restrictive and you can’t afford both bikes (plus the storage issues that come with it), most trainers and coaches would suggest going with road bikes.
Why? Road bikes are:
- Cheaper
- Can be used on most terrains easily
- More common
- Can be modified
However, if you’re buying a bike specifically to be used in a triathlon, then there really isn’t much of a competition between the two – it’s in the name.
Which Bike is More Comfortable?
If you were to search the difference between road bike vs triathlon bike, you’d be redirected to pages and blogs upon blogs on the geometry and use of both variants.
Rightfully so, these are critical differences between the two types of bikes. However, the bicyclist’s own experience and comfort matter a whole lot more.
Generally, road bikes are easier to use and more comfortable for beginners. At the same time, experienced cyclists would feel more comfortable with a triathlon bike since it gives him or her more freedom and speed.
At the end of the day, the difference is based on several factors, and the most important one would be ease of use and comfort for the cyclist over everything else.
We’ve detailed everything on road bike vs triathlon bike and which one’s a more suitable fit for you. Both bikes are made to accommodate the cyclist in their specific use. However, they aren’t restricted in those categories.
Since the difference between road bike and tri bike is thin, they can be used interchangeably with ease. While modifications would have to be made, they get the job done.
It’s important, nonetheless, to understand the difference between the two and which one would be more suited for you as an individual.